‹Programming› 2020
Mon 23 - Thu 26 March 2020 Porto, Portugal
Tue 24 Mar 2020 09:05 - 10:00 at W4 - Collaboration and User Studies

Software visualization (SV) attempts to support developers in understanding aspects of their software, be they structural or behavioral. Virtual and augmented reality hardware has become powerful and affordable these days. Many SV researchers have therefore started to explore new ways of using VR/AR for software visualization. In this talk, I will argue that findings gathered from empirical studies in traditional 2D or even 3D desktop environments are not necessarily directly transferable to VR/AR environments and that we likely need to revisit common design guidelines in VR/AR. Moreover, in most cases, SV researchers have a single developer in mind when they design their visualization. I will argue that a great part of the added value of VR/AR in SV will be the opportunity to create virtual spaces where several developers meet and collaborate. Many software organizations work in distributed workplaces and VR/AR would allow them to bridge those spatial gaps. And while a visualization may be a useful means for a single developer to better understand a software artifact, a visualization as a shared model of thinking is a must when multiple developers together try to reach a common understanding of their software or even want to manipulate their software jointly.

Tue 24 Mar

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09:00 - 10:30
Collaboration and User StudiesNIP at W4
Day opening
Alexandre Bergel University of Chile, Leonel Merino University of Stuttgart
VR/AR Software Visualization is for Collaboration
Rainer Koschke University of Bremen
Assessing Textual Source Code Comparison: Split Or Unified?
Alejandra Cossio Chavalier Universidad Católica Boliviana - "San Pablo", Cochabamba, Juan Pablo Sandoval Alcocer Universidad Catolica Boliviana San Pablo, Alexandre Bergel University of Chile