Registered user since Wed 29 Jan 2020
Francisca Rocha Gonçalves is a researcher from Porto, where she currently lives and works. She has a background in biological sciences with a degree in Veterinary Medicine from ICBAS (University of Porto) and a Multimedia Master in Interactive Music and Sound Design from FEUP (University of Porto).
Combining her interests in sound, technology, art and science, she aims to raise environmental awareness in society, promoting environmental education through artistic practices and sound art. Her great passion for biology and music led her on-demand to find synergies between nature and sound. Bridging these two worlds, she attempts to find new musical approaches, not only for musical compositions but also for live performances. In 2017, she enrolled in Digital Media PhD at FEUP (University of Porto) under the program UT Austin | Portugal CoLab.
She focuses on acoustic ecology as a tool for environmental awareness concerning the ocean soundscape. Developing artistic artefacts that reveal the problem of noise pollution in underwater environments is possible to understand changes in vibration and particle motion, both vital components in aquatic life.
Co-founder of the artistic collective Openfield Creative Lab.
Co-founder of Ocean Soundscape Awareness
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