‹Programming› 2020 (series) / Jeff Smits

Registered user since Mon 3 Oct 2016
Name:Jeff Smits
I am a PhD student in the Programming Languages Research Group at Delft University of Technology. I have various research interests around language design and compiler technology. I’ve worked on declarative specification of data-flow analysis, practical incremental compilation for existing languages, and gradual types. I’ve designed FlowSpec, a domain-specific language for the specification of data-flow analysis. For incremental compilation I’ve taken apart the compiler of the Stratego term transformation language, and reassembled it as an incremental compiler. FlowSpec and Stratego are part of the Spoofax Language Workbench. I am supervised by Eelco Visser.
Affiliation:Delft University of Technology
Personal website: https://www.jeffsmits.net/
Research interests:Programming Languages
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