‹Programming› 2020 (series) / Michael Van De Vanter

Registered user since Fri 8 May 2015
Name:Michael Van De Vanter
Michael Van De Vanter lectures in the area of programming languages at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, following 25 years at Sun Microsystems Laboratories (later Oracle Labs). His final contribution at Oracle Labs was the GraalVM Instrumentation Framework, which ensures that the high-performance language implementations GraalVM makes possible are accompanied, with minimal extra effort, by cross-language tools, such as debuggers, profilers, and others. He was previously author of the Maxine Inspector, a combination debugger and visual heap inspector for the Maxine Research VM, and before that Principal Investigator of the Jackpot project at Sun Microsystems Labs.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
Personal website: http://vandevanter.net/mlvdv
Research interests:Developer Tools, Programming Languages, Human Computer Interaction, Software Engineering
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