‹Programming› 2020 (series) / none none

Registered user since Sat 19 Oct 2019
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Media artist, and sound designer based in Porto. Luis Arandas is currently enrolled in the UTAustin/Portugal PhD in Digital Media and associated with INESC-TEC through the xPerimus Project. Previously at Braga Media Arts, Luis holds both an M.S. in Sound Design and Interactive Music by FEUP and a B.A. in Sound and Image by UCP. He focuses his work on artistic performance, new media in art and musical technology. Luis has installed and/or performed in venues such as eNTERFACE, xCoAx, NTNU, Orbits festival and Semibreve festival.
Affiliation:Faculdade de Engenharia e Universidade do Porto
Personal website: https://luisarandas.org
Research interests:Computer Music, Artistic Performance, Machine Intelligence, Networked Interaction
‹Programming› 2020-profile
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