‹Programming› 2020
Mon 23 - Thu 26 March 2020 Porto, Portugal
Tomas Petricek

Registered user since Wed 2 Sep 2015

Name:Tomas Petricek

Tomas is a Lecturer at University of Kent and a Collaborating Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute in London. He is building programming tools that integrate with modern data sources (open government data, data published by citizen initiatives) and let users easily create analyses and visualizations that are linked to the original data source, making the analyses more transparent, reproducible, but also easy to adapt. His early work on the project can be found at http://thegamma.net.

Tomas’ many other interests include open-source and functional programming (he is an active contributor to the F# ecosystem), programming language theory (his PhD thesis on “coeffects” develops a theory of context-aware programming language language), but also understanding programming through the perspective of philosophy of science.

Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:University of Kent
Personal website: http://tomasp.net
Research interests:Programming Languages, Data Science Tools, Philosophy of Science


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